What treatments are available for dental injury? In the following three various ways:
On the other hand, there are some preventative measures that you need to take in order to protect your oral health and stop any further damage from being done to your teeth and gums.
1. In the Event That a Tooth Is Knocked Out, What Should You Do?
In the event that one or more of your teeth become partially or completely detached from the gum, you should make an appointment with either your regular dentist or an emergency dentist as soon as possible.
In the event that the tooth is completely knocked out of its socket, the procedures outlined below should be carried out:
Before going to get the tooth treated, you also have the option of temporarily storing it in a small container of milk or water that has been lightly salted. This can be done before you go get the tooth treated.
In order to save a tooth that has been completely knocked out of its socket, treatment must begin within an hour, or even sooner in some cases. Otherwise, the tooth will not be able to be saved. Your best bet is to look for a dentist who is willing to travel to you and is open to seeing patients outside of normal business hours in the event of dental emergencies.
In the event that you are unable to do so, you need to check into the emergency room of the closest hospital. If there are a number of hospitals in the area, you need to call each one and ask about the dental services they provide in order to figure out which emergency room you should go to.
When applied to the outside of the jaw, a cold compress can help relieve pain and swelling and reduce inflammation. You should also consider taking an over-the-counter pain reliever for the discomfort, provided that doing so is not medically discouraged (if you need it).
2. In the Event That You Crack or Break One of Your Teeth, Here Is What You Should Do
A cracked tooth needs to be treated as soon as possible by a dentist, and a procedure known as root canal therapy (RTC) may be required if the crack has progressed all the way through to the pulp of the tooth.
If the crack or cracks are not treated, they will continue to spread until they reach the area below the gumline. Once they reach this area, the tooth will perish due to a lack of blood flow if treatment is not administered.
If a crack is on the part of the tooth that is used for biting and chewing, it can cause discomfort that ranges from mild to severe whenever the person consumes anything that puts pressure on the tooth, such as food or drink. If you bite on something that causes your tooth to crack or break, you should immediately call your dentist and schedule an appointment for an emergency appointment.
The American Dental Association (ADA) suggests that in the time between visits to the dentist, there are a few things that patients can do to improve their chances of having successful tooth restoration. The following sentence outlines each of these steps in greater detail.
If you can find any pieces of the broken tooth, you should try to find them, wrap them in some moist gauze or cloth, and bring them with you to the appointment with the dentist. If you cannot find any pieces of the broken tooth, you should not bring them with you.
If the damage to the tooth is not too severe, the dentist may be able to bond the tooth back together or use veneers to cover up the crack in the tooth. Both of these options require that the damage to the tooth not be too severe.
However, depending on the specifics of your case, you may need to get a crown in order to successfully replace the missing tooth.
In more serious cases, the tooth might have to be extracted because of the situation.
3. In the Event That You Lose or Damage a Crown, What You Should Do to Restore It
If you have a crown that becomes loose or is broken, you should inspect the area that is affected to determine whether or not you need to make an appointment with a dentist who specializes in emergency dentistry. In the event that the crown has become loose, you need to schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as you can. In order to reattach the crown to the modified tooth, it is possible that your dentist will recommend that you make use of a temporary denture adhesive that is available for purchase without a prescription from a local drugstore. If you still have the crown and it is in good condition, you should keep it so the dentist can try to reattach it to the tooth if it is still possible to do so. In the event that the crown is lost, a replacement can easily be created from scratch.
If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible.
In all other circumstances, please schedule your appointment as soon as possible within the following week.
In the event that you or a member of your family has suffered a tooth injury in or around the Summerlin area and require restorative dental work, please contact Dr. Marianne Cohan at 702-341-9160. Your perfect grin is just around the bend in front of you.
Dr. Marianne Cohan was voted The Best Dentist/ Dental Office and Best Cosmetic Dentist from The Las Vegas Review-Journal in 2020 and 2021. She received her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1992.
With an emphasis on cosmetic dentistry, complete makeovers, and implant dentistry, Dr. Cohan is committed to continuing education and feels that we never stop learning. Dr. Cohan takes pride in using high-powered magnification to perform minimally invasive restorative dentistry. She uses all the latest technological advances including digital radiography, digital photography, computer simulations, and high-resolution pictures of your proposed treatment on 55-inch screens. She also utilizes CBCT (cone beam) and laser technology.
Dr. Cohan is always available to her patients and is available for any dental emergency.
You shouldn't dismiss the possibility of getting a toothache as something minor just because it's possible. It's a terrible thing that could happen at any moment, and the pain could eventually become intolerable.
If you are able to identify the common symptoms of a toothache, you may be able to avoid more severe discomfort or even an emergency situation. In addition, being knowledgeable about the various treatments available for toothaches can help you make a snap decision about which path to take when the time comes.
Symptoms of a toothache
It is essential to understand that tooth pain does not spontaneously improve on its own. In point of fact, the situation only gets worse. Antibiotics and pain medications will only serve to delay what is ultimately going to happen. If you are experiencing discomfort, you should seek out toothache treatment as soon as possible from a dentist in Summerlin.
Even something as innocuous as occasional sensitivity to cold, such as when eating ice cream or drinking cold beverages, can be the first sign of an impending toothache. The pain will worsen over time and appear at increasingly frequent intervals, such as each time you bite into something or clack your teeth together, for example. In due time, the discomfort will become intolerable to the point where it will consume you and keep you awake at night.
At the first sign of toothache symptoms, you should make an appointment with our Summerlin dentist so that you can avoid having to be hospitalized as a result of a severe tooth infection.
What Causes Toothaches and How to Treat Them
There is a wide variety of possible explanations for why a tooth might be in pain. The cause of your toothache is one of the factors that will go into deciding which treatment option is best for you.
Cavities (Decay)
A cavity develops when the enamel, which is the hard outer layer of the tooth, becomes softer and more fragile.
If you look in your mouth and notice that one of your teeth has changed color, you might have a cavity. Having decay in your teeth can also cause you to be hypersensitive to cold temperatures and sweets.
Our dentist in Summerlin is likely going to suggest getting a filling as the treatment for your toothache if you have a cavity that is small to medium in size. During this procedure, we will first remove the decayed portion of the tooth, then clean and prepare the surrounding area, and finally use a composite filling material to fill in the space created by the decay.
If your tooth has a cavity that is particularly large, then the tooth is likely too weak to be repaired using a filling. We will need to cover the tooth with a crown (also known as a cap) so that it is protected from any additional damage. This crown will prevent the tooth from breaking and will fit over the entire tooth.
An infection in a tooth can lead to the formation of a dental abscess. This condition is typically brought on by a cavity that has not been properly treated. As the decay that already exists in a tooth worsens, it moves deeper into the tooth until it eventually reaches the nerve that is contained within the tooth, which then becomes infected as a result.
If you have an abscess and you feel pain when something hot touches your tooth, this is almost always a dead giveaway that you have an abscess. It is also possible that it will hurt while you are chewing or even just by touching it. In the most severe cases, the pain may be so intolerable that it prevents you from getting a good night's sleep; in these instances, over-the-counter pain medications will not provide any relief.
It is possible for a person to have an abscessed tooth and not feel any pain even though they have the condition. In this particular scenario, it is highly likely that the person in question has a fistula on the gum. This is a pustule that has the appearance of a pimple on the skin. The knot will typically have a hole in it, which will allow the infection to drain and provide you with some relief from the pain.
It's likely that you'll be presented with more than one option to treat a dental abscess. Root canal treatment is absolutely necessary in the event that you would like to keep your natural tooth. Our Summerlin dental practice offers a treatment for toothaches in which the infected nerve tissue within the roots of the tooth is extracted, disinfected, and then sealed off to prevent bacteria from entering the area again.
You have the option of having the tooth extracted if you do not want to attempt to save it. On the other hand, this will leave a gap in both your smile and your bone.
Disease of the Gums
Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, can be identified by a number of symptoms, including red, swollen tissue, bleeding gums, and bad breath. This condition has a significant impact on your teeth as well as your overall oral health. The bone that lies just below the gum tissue is what's responsible for the teeth's roots being firmly held in place in your mouth. A severe infection of the gums can eat away at the bone, causing the bone to weaken and deteriorate. When there is less bone support available, it can cause the teeth to shift and rock around in their sockets. When you have loose teeth, even simple tasks like closing your mouth can be excruciatingly uncomfortable.
In this particular instance, treating your toothache by bringing your periodontal disease under control could be an effective option. However, if your gum disease has progressed to the point where it can no longer be treated, there is no way to save your teeth, and you will need to have them extracted.
We are able to assist you in avoiding tooth pain.
Regular visits to our dentist in Summerlin for checkups and cleanings are one of the best things you can do to protect yourself against developing tooth pain. If it has been a while since you have put the health of your teeth as a top priority, then please give our office a call so that we can schedule an appointment for you as a new patient. Dr. Marianne Cohan and the rest of the staff at Summerlin Dental Solutions can't wait to finally put a face to your name.
Dr. Marianne Cohan was voted The Best Dentist/ Dental Office and Best Cosmetic Dentist from The Las Vegas Review-Journal in 2020 and 2021. She received her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1992.
With an emphasis on cosmetic dentistry, complete makeovers, and implant dentistry, Dr. Cohan is committed to continuing education and feels that we never stop learning. Dr. Cohan takes pride in using high-powered magnification to perform minimally invasive restorative dentistry. She uses all the latest technological advances including digital radiography, digital photography, computer simulations, and high-resolution pictures of your proposed treatment on 55-inch screens. She also utilizes CBCT (cone beam) and laser technology.
Dr. Cohan is always available to her patients and is available for any dental emergency.
You’ve had your wisdom teeth removed. What do you do now?!? Well, we've put together a detailed list of the top ten things you need to do for the recovery of your wisdom teeth, based on facts, experience, and statistics.
Whether they are in the mouth erupting or at the dentist's office being pulled, wisdom teeth are infamous for being difficult to deal with because of their tenacious and difficult nature. The majority of us, as a result of the skeletal evolution that has occurred in our skulls over the course of centuries, do not have the arch space necessary for all four of these third molars to emerge.
When there is insufficient room in the oral cavity for the wisdom teeth to erupt, these molars can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences, such as swollen gums, infections, facial swelling, damage to other teeth, and even problems with the jaw joint because of the wisdom teeth.
Wisdom teeth inherently are more likely to cause issues. This is due to the fact that they are the final molars to erupt from your mouth. Even worse, they can move teeth, frequently undoing the progress made in orthodontic treatment that had started or is now being carried out. Therefore, there is no alternative to have these teeth extracted when the dentist advises they ought to be done so.
In spite of the fact that recovery from oral surgery has a reputation for being excruciatingly painful and miserable, the majority of the time, the cause of such stress is due to the patient's disregard for aftercare and their lack of knowledge regarding how to properly manage the open extraction site.
As a result, we have developed a detailed list of the top ten things you absolutely need to do for recovery, based on facts, experience, and statistical evidence. Continue reading the following instruction list if you want to understand how to minimize issues after surgery and lessen the amount of post-operative discomfort you experience after having your wisdom teeth out.
1. You must not spit.
Immediately after having a wisdom teeth out, it is possible for blood and saliva to collect in the mouth. At the same time, the body's natural defense mechanism creates a blood clot at the extraction site to act as a plug, which stops the bleeding and allows the body to begin the healing process. Blood and Saliva must be removed from your mouth with care. Spitting can create a vacuum in your mouth that prevents the healing process from occurring. This could in turn dislodge a healing blood clot.
Removal of the saliva and blood must be done in order to prevent the blood clot from becoming dislodged. It is recommended that you accomplish this by slightly opening your mouth over a sink and allowing blood and saliva to come out while tilting your head forward. You should do this with your head cocked forward. By dislodging the naturally occurring blood clot in the extraction area, a suction pressure formed in the mouth can have serious effects including a dry socket.
2. Straws are not your friend.
In light of what has been discussed so far, it is of the utmost significance to maintain the integrity of the blood clot. One of the ways in which this can be accomplished is by refraining from using straws following the surgery until the wound has healed. It is important to avoid using straws because, similar to spitting, they produce a suction pressure in the mouth that need to be avoided.
3. Consume Foods That Are Mild and Chilled.
Post-surgery It is recommended that you wait at least 24 hours following the extraction before consuming anything that is either extremely hot or extremely cold. Most dentists advise consuming slightly melted ice cream for a cooling effect following the removal of wisdom teeth on the same day. Consuming foods that are tender, lukewarm to slightly cold, and require very little effort to chew are typically regarded as the healthiest way to take in nutrition. Foods such as: Yogurt, soup (warm but not hot, bread that is soft, bananas, pudding, mashed potatoes and vegetables, porridge, applesauce., etc.
After the treatment, it's crucial to chew slowly to avoid biting your cheek or lip, which can still be numb from the anesthetic. When eating, make an effort to chew on the side of the mouth that is not the extraction site. The side of the mouth where the extraction site is located should not be used to chew. It is also recommended that you stay away from hot beverages such as coffee and tea for the first twenty-four hours after the procedure; however, these beverages can be consumed warm. Following surgery, it is best to stick to a soft diet for at least the first 48 hours after the procedure.
4. Use Warm Saltwater Rinses
After an interval of twenty-four hours has passed since the extraction procedure, you should now start rinsing your hair with saltwater. To accomplish this, first bring one cup of tap water to a simmer, then add one level teaspoon of salt and whisk it into the water until the salt is completely dissolved. Rinse your mouth out gently with the salt solution, keeping it there for one minute while you swish it around in your mouth.
Infections can be avoided, food can't get stuck in places of the mouth that are difficult to brush with a toothbrush, irritated tissues in the mouth can be soothed, and the gums can be made more comfortable by supporting faster healing thanks to saltwater rinses. Additionally, saltwater rinses might prevent food from getting stuck in parts of the mouth that would be difficult to brush with a toothbrush. You should strive to perform this activity at least three to four times per day for around one week, particularly after each meal.
5. Stay away from cigarette and alcohol smoke.
Both smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided on the day of operation and for the first twenty-four hours after it. The decreased blood circulation that results from smoking can have a negative impact on the healing process. The presence of smoke in the mouth can both hasten and slow the healing process of wounds, which may increase the risk of infection if a blood clot has been disrupted or has not yet formed. Consuming alcohol is discouraged as well because of the unfavorable effect that it has on the wound site, which can lead to additional issues, including infections.
6. Make Sure You Get Your Medications on Time
Taking your prescribed medications exactly as directed and on time can be one of the most effective strategies to alleviate the pain and discomfort that are invariably associated with the extraction of wisdom teeth. The most effective method of pain management is to take painkillers at the appropriate times so that the therapeutic action of the medication is maintained in a consistent and steady manner. By sticking to the program, one is able to experience less distress and a more effective therapeutic effect.
7. Cover the Area with Ice
It has been claimed that applying an ice pack to the affected area of the cheek will help reduce inflammation, pain, and sometimes swelling as well. If you have cold intolerance or cold sensitivity, you should avoid using ice packs entirely and take care to moderately limit the amount of time spent icing as well as the length of time spent icing.
8. When you sleep, prop your head up on some pillows.
It is recommended that you sleep with your head elevated for the first few nights after the treatment to prevent blood from accumulating in the area where your wisdom teeth used to be. This will prevent infection from occurring. If you don't do it, the wound can start to throb, which would be very uncomfortable.
9. Avoid Strenuous Exercise
It is recommended by the American Dental Association (ADA) that intense activity be avoided for at least twenty-four hours after an extraction treatment. This is done to reduce the risk of post-operative bleeding and to minimize the risk of blood clot dislodgement.
10. Keep Your Scheduled Appointment for a Checkup!
It is necessary to check and follow up with your dental practitioner at the time allotted to you, especially if you have had any stitches inserted so that they may be removed. In this case, it is very important to do so so that the stitches can be removed. If you experience significant bleeding, increased pain after surgery, a foul taste or odor in the mouth, and fever while you are recovering from dental surgery, you need to schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.
At Summerlin Dental Solutions, Awareness Is the First Step Towards Improved Care
The first step in responsible management is having a good understanding of how to maintain your extraction site. It is imperative that you make every effort and take every necessary step to carefully adhere to your dental practitioner's medical advise and to put into practice procedures that will hasten the healing process. If you deviate from these recommendations, you run the risk of developing an infection after surgery or having a hemorrhage, both of which would further complicate and delay the healing process, not to mention increase the amount of pain and discomfort you experience. A speedy recovery is guaranteed when one is careful and attentive when following aftercare guidelines.
Dr. Marianne Cohan was voted The Best Dentist/ Dental Office and Best Cosmetic Dentist from The Las Vegas Review-Journal in 2020 and 2021. She received her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1992.
With an emphasis on cosmetic dentistry, complete makeovers, and implant dentistry, Dr. Cohan is committed to continuing education and feels that we never stop learning. Dr. Cohan takes pride in using high-powered magnification to perform minimally invasive restorative dentistry. She uses all the latest technological advances including digital radiography, digital photography, computer simulations, and high-resolution pictures of your proposed treatment on 55-inch screens. She also utilizes CBCT (cone beam) and laser technology.
Dr. Cohan is always available to her patients and is available for any dental emergency.
How are cracked teeth fixed?
What causes teeth to crack?
Why are my teeth cracking?
Why do my teeth look cracked?
How to fix cracked teeth?
Do you find that your teeth are breaking or cracking? Read on for information on the causes of cracked or chipped teeth, as well as the symptoms and treatment options that are available at your Summerlin Dental Office
Do you find that your teeth are breaking or cracking? There's no question. It can be painful to have a crack in your tooth, and it can also alter the way you chew and eat your food. But don't despair! There are therapies that are accessible at your Summerlin Dental office that are not quite as significant as you may anticipate. Read on for information on the causes of cracked or chipped teeth, as well as the symptoms and treatment options that are available.
One research suggests that broken or cracked teeth are responsible for around 33 percent of the tooth loss that occurs in the general population. There are a lot of different causes that might lead to a cracked or chipped tooth. Having this knowledge can help you reduce the risk to yourself.
If a patient chews on something hard, such as sweets, ice, or even nuts, there is a possibility that they will chip a tooth.
Becoming older also plays a part. Teeth tend to become more brittle with age, which is why elderly people tend to have a higher incidence of chipped teeth.
When a patient sustains an impact to the mouth, such as when they fall, there is a possibility that a tooth can chip or shatter. This can be prevented with proper dental care at Summerlin Dental Solutions.
Large fillings that are placed in teeth pose a concern as well since fillings have the potential to compromise the structural integrity of a tooth.
Alterations in the mouth's temperature that occur suddenly might also put a person at heightened danger in certain circumstances.
According to the findings of one study, mandibular molars have the highest risk of cracking, accounting for 48 percent of all reported cracks in teeth. According to the findings of the study, the maxillary molars are second on the list of teeth that break the most frequently, followed by the maxillary premolars and the mandibular premolars.
What are the different kinds of teeth that are cracked?
Teeth that have fractures are often divided into a few distinct categories. This helps your Summerlin Dental office dentist assess which treatment choices would be the most appropriate, as well as whether the tooth has to be extracted rather than treated.
When a patient has a filling in their tooth, there is a possibility that they will encounter a broken cusp. The fracture appears in the vicinity of the filling.
Cracks that only form in the enamel of a tooth are referred to as craze lines. These fissures are quite minute in comparison to others. They often run horizontally over the entire tooth and are difficult to spot until one is very near to the affected tooth.
When a tooth is split, the fracture will begin at the surface of the tooth and go all the way down to the bottom half, which is often below the gumline of the patient.
A significant fracture that can result in the loss of a tooth is one that extends down to the gum line. At your Summerlin Dental office, one can see a fracture running in a vertical direction. There is a possibility that it goes below the gum line.
A kind of root fracture that frequently necessitates extraction is known as the vertical root fracture. The fracture begins at the cusp of the tooth and then works its way up the surface of the tooth. In contrast to craze lines, it almost always causes discomfort and sensitivity.
What are the signs of teeth that have cracked?
Cracks that are evident to the naked eye in a tooth are one potential sign. You could be able to see a fracture in the tooth, at your Summerlin Dental office, or you might discover that a piece of your tooth has broken off. Both of these things are possible. There are also other signs that you should keep an eye out for.
When a tooth has been broken, fractured, or chipped, one of the most typical symptoms is pain. Additionally, chewing may make the discomfort seem even worse.
There may be an intolerance to the temperature of the meal, whether it be hot or cold.
There is a possibility that the gums will expand, which may have an effect on the region that is surrounding the damaged tooth.
How is the diagnosis of a broken tooth made?
You can make an appointment with your Summerlin Dental office dentist, but in order to properly diagnose a chipped or broken tooth, the dentist will need to consider a few different criteria. X-rays may be taken.
Cracks that are obvious to the naked eye might be spotted by the dentist with the aid of an examination. There is also the possibility of utilizing a dental dye in order to accentuate the visibility of fissures.
Dental care for patients with fractured teeth
There are several potential courses of therapy. If the break is extremely little and just affects the enamel, a dentist may suggest delaying treatment until later if the condition is stable. In extreme circumstances, having the tooth removed can be the best option.
Bonding at your Summerlin Dental office is an option that should be considered for cracks that require treatment but are not severe enough to warrant extraction. A tooth that has been shattered might have a crown placed over it. Additionally, it might be helpful in cases where a tooth breaks off at the gum line. If the chipping of your teeth is accompanied by an infection, your dentist may recommend having a root canal procedure done. (Sorry.) In addition, if you have fractured tooth syndrome, you could need more sophisticated treatment to assist to address gum disease and any other dental issues that may be associated with it at your Summerlin Dental office.
How much does it cost to repair a tooth that has been cracked?
The price of repairing a tooth that has been shattered is going to vary depending on a few different things. The amount of money spent on treatment is directly proportional to the size of the crack that must be repaired.
When you visit your Summerlin Dental office dentist, you will need to undergo a comprehensive examination. Your dentist will be able to evaluate the severity of the chip or crack and then provide treatment recommendations based on those findings.
Polishing is an option to consider if the chip is not too significant. Typically, this ranges from $100 to $200 in price. Fillings may be required in situations when there is a chip that is more severe. In the vast majority of instances, the price of fillings will be higher than $200.
Dr. Marianne Cohan was voted The Best Dentist/ Dental Office and Best Cosmetic Dentist from The Las Vegas Review-Journal in 2020 and 2021. She received her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1992.
With an emphasis on cosmetic dentistry, complete makeovers, and implant dentistry, Dr. Cohan is committed to continuing education and feels that we never stop learning. Dr. Cohan takes pride in using high-powered magnification to perform minimally invasive restorative dentistry. She uses all the latest technological advances including digital radiography, digital photography, computer simulations, and high-resolution pictures of your proposed treatment on 55-inch screens. She also utilizes CBCT (cone beam) and laser technology.
Dr. Cohan is always available to her patients and is available for any dental emergency.
When compared to its predecessors from decades ago, today's crowns, veneers, and tooth-colored fillings are quite natural-looking. There was a time when dentists only used silver fillings in their patients' mouths. This substance is still used in fillings today, although composite fillings, which are tooth-colored, are the most prevalent kind of filling material. It is possible at Summerlin Dental Solutions to match the color of composite fillings to the hue of the tooth and even let light to pass through them, much like real enamel.
Composite fillings are excellent in a wide range of situations and applications. When a cavity is present, the most apparent explanation for this is that the cavity must be filled. This is a fantastic method for purportedly erasing the imperfections that were before. It's almost as if the hollow never existed in the first place.
Teeth may be reshaped using composite fillings, and the placement of composite fillings can help to reduce excessive tooth spacing. In the event of a diastema (a big gap between the two front teeth), composite material is a non-invasive and cost-effective treatment option that gives immediate effects, without the need for a second appointment. It may be used as a substitute to braces in certain cases.
Fluorosis is a disease that produces discoloration and defects in the enamel. Mottled enamel is a sign of fluorosis. Composite materials are the preferred material for concealing this problem.
Composite fillings are simple to install, pleasant to the sight, and simple to replace if they fail. A filler may be readily concealed with the right technique and the right composite material. In our modern world, where dental perfection is now the norm, this is the appearance that is most sought for.
Finally, with composite fillings, you may be certain that your smile is in excellent care. There are some fantastic materials available that are a near-perfect match to the look of natural tooth enamel in terms of aesthetics. Smile with assurance, knowing that no one will ever have to know. Summerlin Dental Solutions is committed to keeping your secret.
If you are in need of new composites or need to have your old amalgams replaced wiuth composites, give us a call today at Summerlin Dental Solutions in Las Vegas, Nevada. Dr. Cohan will be able to evaluate you and see if composites are a good fit for you.
Dr. Marianne Cohan was voted The Best Dentist/ Dental Office and Best Cosmetic Dentist from The Las Vegas Review-Journal in 2020 and 2021. She received her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1992.
With an emphasis on cosmetic dentistry, complete makeovers, and implant dentistry, Dr. Cohan is committed to continuing education and feels that we never stop learning. Dr. Cohan takes pride in using high-powered magnification to perform minimally invasive restorative dentistry. She uses all the latest technological advances including digital radiography, digital photography, computer simulations, and high-resolution pictures of your proposed treatment on 55-inch screens. She also utilizes CBCT (cone beam) and laser technology.
Dr. Cohan is always available to her patients and is available for any dental emergency.