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The Do’s and Don't For Great Teeth Whitening

lips painted with deep red lipstick

The Do’s and Don't For Great Teeth Whitening

There are a variety of approaches available to pick from when it comes to the process of teeth whitening. Using a whitening toothpaste is often all that is required to achieve noticeably whiter teeth. With the assistance of Summerlin Dental Solutions in Summerlin, you may also purchase bleaching kits over the counter, or you can take advantage of a professional formula for the best results possible. Both options are available to you.

However, bleaching is not appropriate for everyone; certain individuals make better candidates than others for the procedure. To help you decide whether or not teeth whitening is something that would benefit you, the following guidelines are provided.

Teeth Whitening

Be Sure to Brighten Your Smile! If Whitening your teeth can produce wonderful results for your smile. A smile that is whiter and brighter can be achieved in a way that is not difficult and does not cost very much. If you identify with any of the descriptors listed below, you may want to give some thought to getting your teeth whitened by a professional in Summerlin.

• You Have Some Discoloration, Ranging from Mild to Moderate:

Teeth can become stained from a variety of activities, including smoking, consuming beverages such as coffee or red wine, and simply becoming older. Yellow stains that appear on the chewing surface of your teeth may typically be removed without much difficulty if you use the appropriate whitening treatments.

If you have deeper stains, you should make an appointment with our dentist in Summerlin so that we can provide you with a professional whitening method.

• You Do Not Suffer From Any Oral Health Conditions: If you do not suffer from any oral health conditions such as cavities, decay, tooth infections, gum recession, or periodontal disease, then you are an excellent candidate for teeth whitening.

Whitening your teeth may sound like a terrific way to have a brighter smile, but this procedure isn't for everyone. If any of the following apply to you, you should avoid whitening your teeth. You should not bleach if any of the following apply to you since it could have serious consequences. Whitening your smile is not the only option available, and the dentist in Summerlin who can help you find it is here.

• You're Pregnant

When a woman is expecting, she will typically only have required or preventative dental procedures, like as cleanings or the treatment of a toothache, if she chooses to get any dental treatment at all. Because further steps are always taken to guarantee the safety of both the mother and the fetus, optional services like whitening should be avoided until after the pregnancy has been successfully completed.

You shouldn't have any issues using a moderate whitening toothpaste while you're pregnant; however, you should delay utilizing more powerful bleaching agents such as over-the-counter whitening kits or professional systems that you already own.

It's possible that the oxidation process that's triggered by peroxides (which are found in bleaching formulations) could be detrimental to the cells and tissues in your body. Even more so during pregnancy, when your gums are typically more sensitive than usual due to the hormonal changes that occur in your body.

There are no adverse consequences associated with tooth whitening that are known to have an impact on the developing fetus. However, medical experts agree that it is safer for pregnant women to delay whitening their skin until after their child has been weaned.

•It Appears That You Suffer From Cavities or Sensitive Teeth

Some individuals' teeth are far more sensitive than average. This may be the result of demineralization, which can place when the pH level in the area around your teeth declines and the outer enamel of your teeth becomes brittle. When teeth are exposed to cold temperatures, not only are they more likely to experience discomfort, but they are also more likely to develop cavities.

Bleaching one's teeth can make existing dental issues, such as sensitivity or decay, intolerably painful. Because of this, it is essential to make an appointment for a consultation with our company. Dr. Cohan can examine your smile and assess whether or not whitening might be beneficial for you.

Before beginning the process of teeth whitening in Summerlin, it is possible that you will be given the recommendation to use a fluoride toothpaste with a prescription strength in order to reduce or eliminate sensitivity. Alternately, if there is degradation present, we will suggest that you begin by repairing the affected parts.

• You Already Have Dental Work Completed

If you have dental restorations in your smile zone, also known as the teeth that are visible when you smile, then you should probably rethink your decision to whiten your teeth. Bonding, veneers, crowns, and bridges are examples of dental restorations that will not become brighter or whiter over time. Because of this, it is possible that you will be left with an irregularly pigmented smile.

In addition, if you are going to have dental surgery done on any of your front teeth, you might want to think about bleaching your teeth first so that they look better after the procedure. When the time comes to choose the color of your new dental work, we will be able to match it to the tint of your teeth when they are at their whitest. This will ensure the best possible results.

Our dentist in Summerlin will be able to examine your teeth and inform you whether or not you have any dental restorations on any of your front teeth if you are unsure about this.

• If You Are Under the Age of 13, Please Do Not Proceed.

The teeth of a growing child are still in the process of forming. When a child's teeth and gums are mature enough to tolerate teeth bleaching, they often aren't strong enough until they are at least 13 years old.

The outcomes of bleaching a child's teeth too young can cause severe sensitivity, and there is a possibility that the child's nerves will be damaged.

How Can You Determine Whether or Not Teeth Whitening Is Appropriate for You?

Please give us a call to schedule a consultation if you have any questions regarding teeth whitening in Summerlin. We would be happy to perform a brief examination of your smile in order to determine whether or not you are a candidate for this widespread form of cosmetic treatment.



Dr. Marianne Cohan was voted The Best Dentist/ Dental Office and Best Cosmetic Dentist from The Las Vegas Review-Journal in 2020 and 2021. She received her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1992.

With an emphasis on cosmetic dentistry, complete makeovers, and implant dentistry, Dr. Cohan is committed to continuing education and feels that we never stop learning. Dr. Cohan takes pride in using high-powered magnification to perform minimally invasive restorative dentistry. She uses all the latest technological advances including digital radiography, digital photography, computer simulations, and high-resolution pictures of your proposed treatment on 55-inch screens. She also utilizes CBCT (cone beam) and laser technology.

Dr. Cohan is always available to her patients and is available for any dental emergency.