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6 Common Oral Diseases In People Under 40 That Can Be Prevented

A dentist examines a patient's teeth

6 Common Oral Diseases In People Under 40 That Can Be Prevented


Do you think of diseases when you think about your oral health? What you put into your mouth travels down your digestive tract in the first stage, and the food you consume has an effect on the rest of your body and can cause disease. However, the way in which you care for your gums, teeth, and mouth in general will have an effect on a number of different aspects of your overall health.

There are several disorders that can affect the mouth, and some of these diseases might progress to more serious consequences. (Always keep in mind that early intervention is the most effective approach to increase the likelihood of treatment success. (Don't forget about your own mouth!)

AND maybe the most pervasive misconception of all is the idea that only elderly people have major oral health issues. Untrue! Even if the likelihood of developing oral disorders rises with advancing age, that does not mean that younger people have no cause for concern.

There are six different oral diseases that might affect younger people.

1. Gum disease

Diseases of the gums, often known as "periodontal" diseases, can take on a variety of forms and can lead to painful swelling as well as changes in the structure of the bite. According to studies, periodontal disease is not only common in individuals of advanced age; it also occurs frequently in young adults and adolescents.

2. Gingivitis

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Inflammation of the gums is a symptom of gingivitis, which is a disorder that can affect anyone. This is a condition that manifests itself in both older adults and younger adults. In most cases, the condition is brought on by the accumulation of bacteria and plaque on a person's teeth. This particular form of periodontal disease is referred to as "periodontal gingivitis." Although it might not be as devastating, it can lead to more serious health concerns if left unchecked.

3. Dental sensitivity and the development of cavities

Decay of teeth can occasionally begin as early as childhood in some people. This can lead to various potential effects. If you have dental decay, your teeth may become more fragile as a result of the disease. This makes it more likely that you will crack or break a tooth, which is something you should want to avoid doing for as long as possible. When you have cavities in your teeth, sensitive teeth are almost a given to follow.

4. Endodontic treatment

When the crown of a tooth becomes loose or falls off, you may require a dental procedure known as a root canal, which is performed in the dentist's office. It is a typical procedure that is frequently carried out on young individuals, and it is not a very beneficial one. It entails the removal of the tooth's root, which helps to minimize sensitivity as well as pain. After that, a brand new crown is affixed on the very top.

5. TMJ disorder

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder is yet another ailment that can affect people of any age. This disorder affects the jaw, and as a result, a crackling sound can be heard in the jaw whenever the patient opens and closes their mouth. A great deal of people also report experiencing pain and stiffness.

6. Oral cancer

Oral cancer is a dreaded disease despite its high incidence rate. A dentist is trained to recognize the earliest warning signs of oral cancer and can devise an effective treatment strategy to stop the disease from progressing and spreading.


The function of your dental practitioner

People who seek out a dentist typically do so because they are experiencing discomfort in their oral cavity, most commonly in the form of a toothache. It is highly recommended that you get in touch with a dentist at this time; nevertheless, this should not be the only occasion on which you look for one. Everyone requires the services of a dentist that they visit on a consistent basis.

Early in one's life, one should give some thought to initiating preventative dental care. Even in young children, the sooner in life routine dental examinations begin, the lower the likelihood of more serious oral diseases developing.

To get started, schedule an appointment with your dentist at least once every year (ideally twice). After that, make an appointment with your dentist to have a complete checkup done on your teeth, gums, and the tissue around them. When searching for a dentist in your area, you can also make an appointment for a dental cleaning. You can locate a local dentist who has a track record of success with the assistance of a website such as OpenCare.


The maintenance and improvement of one's oral health should be a top priority for people of all ages. Regrettably, many younger people have the misconception that problems such as periodontal disease and cancer of the oral cavity exclusively affect older people. Despite this, a significant number of persons under the age of 40 suffer from these illnesses. Just keep in mind that you should be aware of the potential dangers and acknowledge the significance of seeing Dr. Cohan at Summerlin Dental Solutions as part of your plan for maintaining good dental hygiene.



Dr. Marianne Cohan was voted The Best Dentist/ Dental Office and Best Cosmetic Dentist from The Las Vegas Review-Journal in 2020 and 2021. She received her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1992.

summerlin dental solutions

With an emphasis on cosmetic dentistry, complete makeovers, and implant dentistry, Dr. Cohan is committed to continuing education and feels that we never stop learning. Dr. Cohan takes pride in using high-powered magnification to perform minimally invasive restorative dentistry. She uses all the latest technological advances including digital radiography, digital photography, computer simulations, and high-resolution pictures of your proposed treatment on 55-inch screens. She also utilizes CBCT (cone beam) and laser technology.

Dr. Cohan is always available to her patients and is available for any dental emergency.