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Teeth and Food: 6 Unexpected Foods That Can Be Dangerous to Your Teeth


Teeth and Food: 6 Unexpected Foods That Can Be Dangerous to Your Teeth

Teeth and Food: 6 Unexpected Foods That Can Be Dangerous to Your Teeth

Teeth and Food

Teeth and Food: When it comes to deciding what you're going to eat or drink next, what factors do you take into consideration throughout the day? Do you make an active effort to eat nutritious foods, or do you simply choose things based on their flavor and appearance?

Have you ever taken a moment to think about the consequences that some of your favorite foods and drinks have on your teeth? This question applies regardless of the criteria you use to make decisions. The vast majority of people will go through their whole lives without ever giving this topic even a passing thought, despite the fact that the things you put into your mouth have the potential to be the root of all of your dental issues. The following are a few that our dentist in Summerlin wants you to keep an eye out for:

1. Citrus

Your morning grapefruit, your morning lemon drink, and even your afternoon orange snack can all, over the course of time, wreak havoc on the health of your teeth. Because of the high acidity of these meals, the enamel of your teeth will be eroded, making them more susceptible to the development of cavities.

Simple solution: because these foods are good for you, you should continue to eat them, but you should avoid letting the citrus soak into your teeth. After you are finished, you ought to gargle some water or otherwise clean your mouth out. It is preferable if you then have the opportunity to brush your teeth. All of the acid that contributes to erosion will be removed as a result of this.

2. Drinks Containing Carbonation

You are getting hit from two different directions with this one. Not only are soft drinks extremely acidic, like citrus fruits, but they are also loaded with sugar, which is detrimental to dental health. The addition of citric acid to soft drinks not only enhances their flavor but also helps them retain their freshness for longer.

The consumption of carbonated beverages should be restricted to no more than one serving of 12 ounces on a daily basis. If you drink through a straw instead of your mouth, you may reduce the likelihood that sweet acid will adhere to your teeth. Also, don’t sip on a Coke all day long.? Your teeth will be more susceptible to decay as a result of the continuous exposure to the sugar and acid. Instead, you should down your carbonated beverage in one sitting and then thoroughly rinse your mouth with water afterward.

Unfortunately, it has been shown that the artificial sweeteners that are contained in diet sodas can also induce tooth erosion. This means that drinking a diet soda is not much better for the health of your teeth.


If you chew the right kind of gum, there is a possibility that chewing gum could be beneficial to your oral health. It is important to avoid some brands because many of them include excessive amounts of sugar, which is known to erode tooth enamel and lead to the development of cavities.

Simple Solution: Gum that is good for you will not have any sugar in it and will include xylitol. A natural sweetener called xylitol is extracted from the woody and fibrous sections of plants. Because bacteria are prevented from adhering to the teeth by this component, the development of tooth decay is slowed down. To put it simply, if you chew xylitol gum after you eat or drink, it can aid in the prevention of cavities.


It is common knowledge that drinking alcohol is not the healthiest thing to do if one is making an effort to maintain their physical wellbeing. But, have you ever given any thought to the effect that alcohol has on the state of your mouth? Almost certainly not. Have you ever observed that after a night of drinking you wake up with a dry mouth? If not, let me ask you this: how about this:

Because alcohol is a diuretic, it causes the body to eliminate any fluids, including saliva as well as water. When it comes to the condition of your teeth and gums, having a dry mouth is one of the most significant risk factors. Not only does the arid climate, which is reminiscent of a desert, induce mouth sores that are red and painful, but it also causes teeth decay. Saliva's primary function is to keep our mouths moist while also clearing them of any leftover food particles. When our mouth is dry, everything, including the bacteria that cause tooth decay, will attach to it.

Quick Fix: If you're going to be drinking alcohol, make sure you drink lots of water to keep your mouth from drying out. After drinking, you should always rinse your mouth with an alcohol-free fluoride mouthwash and brush your teeth thoroughly before going to bed.

5. Bread

Have a hankering for some carbs? That's fine, but don't forget to have your toothbrush close by. Breads that are too soft are difficult for teeth to chew through. This food has a propensity to cling to teeth and get lodged in the various nooks and crannies of the mouth. If the food particles are not adequately removed after eating, germs will start to grow, which will eventually turn into plaque and tartar. Because the effects follow one another in rapid succession, it is imperative that you do the responsible thing and brush your teeth after eating bread.

Immediately rectify the situation by brushing your teeth after indulging in carbs.

6. Nuts. The brittleness of nuts might cause teeth that are already fragile to snap. However, this item of food does not belong to a distinct category all by itself. Ice, hard candies and granola bars, popcorn kernels, fruits with seeds or pits, and meat with bones are all examples of potentially hazardous foods.

Chew these things very carefully and very slowly for a quick fix.


Maintaining the Good Health of Your Teeth

When trying to pick what you're going to eat next, you should probably think about how your teeth and gums are doing so you can make an informed decision. It is important to remember to pay attention to what you put in your mouth because severe fractures and deep fissures in your teeth might lead you to lose a tooth. Our Summerlin dental practitioner will inspect your teeth and point out any areas of vulnerability in order to assist you in gaining the upper hand in the situation. Give us a call right away to schedule your consultation. 



Dr. Marianne Cohan was voted The Best Dentist/ Dental Office and Best Cosmetic Dentist from The Las Vegas Review-Journal in 2020 and 2021. She received her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1992.

summerlin dental solutions

With an emphasis on cosmetic dentistry, complete makeovers, and implant dentistry, Dr. Cohan is committed to continuing education and feels that we never stop learning.  Dr. Cohan takes pride in using high-powered magnification to perform minimally invasive restorative dentistry. She uses all the latest technological advances including digital radiography, digital photography, computer simulations, and high-resolution pictures of your proposed treatment on 55-inch screens.  She also utilizes CBCT (cone beam) and laser technology.

Dr. Cohan is always available to her patients and is available for any dental emergency.