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Dental Implant FAQs

A dental implant

Dental Implant FAQs

Have you considered placing a dental implant in your mouth to replace a missing tooth?

The following are some of the most frequently asked questions by patients of our cosmetic dental clinic in Summerlin, Nevada.

dental implants
What are dental implants?

Implants in dentistry are supposed to be biocompatible replacement tooth roots. They provide the structural support necessary for fixed restorations such as dental crowns and bridges, as well as for removable overdentures and All-on-4 implant teeth.

Does it hurt to get dental implants?

Certainly not in a million years. The great majority of individuals have an established propensity to significantly underestimate how painless the dental implant process would be. The vast majority of individuals believe that acquiring a dental implant is a considerably simpler procedure than having a tooth out.

I am going to receive dental implants; may I be sedated for the procedure?

Absolutely. If you prefer to feel as if you are asleep during the dental implant procedure, we can make the necessary arrangements for you to be sedated so that you can have that experience. There are a variety of sedative techniques that can be performed during dental procedures.

How long do dental implants typically function well following placement?

If you give your dental implants the right care and attention, they should be able to replace your natural teeth for the remainder of your life. Furthermore, plant-based restorative dentistry outperforms and outlasts all other types of dental restorations.

What is the average range for the cost of dental implants?

The total cost of dental implants will vary depending on the number of implants required as well as the style of restoration chosen. Using various choices, such as insurance, it is possible to lower the overall cost of having implants placed in the body. Each and every one of our patients receives a full, itemized price estimate.

How many dental implants do I need to have installed to complete my smile makeover?

If you simply need to replace a single tooth, you will only require a single dental implant. It is possible to replace all upper or lower teeth with dental implants, but the procedure typically requires more than four implants.

Am I a candidate for dental implant treatment?

Implant dentistry can be administered to the great majority of healthy people. It will be necessary to examine your gums and the bone structures that support them in order to determine whether or not they are in good health. It is likely that you will require surgery, either grafting or another procedure.

How long does the procedure to receive dental implants take?

In most cases, the treatment for dental implants takes several weeks or months to complete. Typically, plants require approximately six months to fully mature from the beginning to the end.

Are same-day dental implants safe?

Even though same-day dental implants are a treatment option, they are typically not the most beneficial option for the majority of patients. Even though they are an option for treatment, same-day dental implants are an option for treatment. Before implants will be able to withstand significant biting force, a great amount of time must pass. This is because dental implants must fuse with the jawbone.

How many teeth does the average person have in a day?

"teeth in a day" is a type of dental implant procedure that can restore your entire bite in a single appointment. This treatment involves the use of dental implants. The majority of the time, a shorter-term healing prosthesis is necessary.

What is the precise nature of the implant process widely known as "All-on-4"?

The all-on-4 dental implant treatment utilizes a hybrid and streamlined device that is attached to only four dental implants to replace all of your upper or lower teeth simultaneously. This procedure can be conducted on the patient's upper or lower dental arch.

Can dental implants connect to dentures?

Yes. Regardless of whether the dentures are removable or fixed, dental implants can be used to give additional support and comfort for dentures.

How do you care for dental implants?

The amount of care offered for dental implants should be comparable to that provided for natural teeth. Make it a habit to brush and floss your teeth, and to visit the dentist every six months. It is crucial for maintaining your oral health.

Are dental implants aesthetically comparable to natural teeth?

People will not even know that you have dental implants when you smile. What gives them their natural aspect is the restoration, like as a crown or bridge, that is placed on top of them. We will meticulously create your restoration so that, once completed, it is indistinguishable from your natural grin.

I had dental implants implanted to replace my missing teeth; may I choose the appearance of my new teeth?

Yes. Your implant restorations can be customized to to match your color, shape, and size preferences. This degree of personalization is accessible to you. With the inclusion of dental implants to the treatment plan, smile makeovers can be greatly improved.

Are dental implants safe?

Yes. Dental implants will work in a manner that is harmonious with the rest of your smile once they have been installed in your mouth. Dental implants are biocompatible and hypoallergenic.

Can you have dental implants if you have a metal allergy?

Titanium dental implants represent no risk to patients with metal sensitivities; hence, they are becoming increasingly popular. Ceramic implant designs, on the other hand, can be an excellent option for persons with highly sensitive skin.

What are micro dental implants?

Mini dental implants are a more compact alternative to conventional dental implants. Because they are approximately one-half the size in length and width, they can be placed in regions with limited space or where the bone is rather thin. This is due to the fact that they are constructed of different materials.

Can you afford dental implants?

Yes. It is typical to seek financial aid to cover all or a portion of the expense of dental implant therapy. This can be performed through a variety of methods, including the provision of 0%-interest payment plan choices.

How long does it take for the gum tissue to recuperate and return to normal after dental implant placement?

A minimal number of incisions are required during the surgical placement of dental implants. Even though the implants require some time to become properly integrated into the jaw, you will not require a particularly lengthy period to recover from the surgical procedure.

How can I determine if I am a candidate for dental implants, and what are the necessary steps?

In order to have your mouth examined and X-rays taken, you will need to arrange an appointment with a Summerlin dental implant dentist. This appointment is obligatory. You must first provide evidence that you have met all of the requirements. In the past, you would not have been eligible for implant treatment; however, technological advancements now make it possible for you to receive implant treatment.

What criteria should I use to identify an excellent dentist that specializes in implants?

You have arrived at the proper location to receive complete implant treatment from the most qualified cosmetic dentist in the Summerlin area at Summerlin Dental Solutions. It is strongly recommended that you arrange an appointment for a consultation as soon as possible if you are interested in locating the most qualified implant dentist in the area.



Dr. Marianne Cohan was voted The Best Dentist/ Dental Office and Best Cosmetic Dentist from The Las Vegas Review-Journal in 2020 and 2021. She received her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1992.

With an emphasis on cosmetic dentistry, complete makeovers, and implant dentistry, Dr. Cohan is committed to continuing education and feels that we never stop learning. Dr. Cohan takes pride in using high-powered magnification to perform minimally invasive restorative dentistry. She uses all the latest technological advances including digital radiography, digital photography, computer simulations, and high-resolution pictures of your proposed treatment on 55-inch screens. She also utilizes CBCT (cone beam) and laser technology.

Dr. Cohan is always available to her patients and is available for any dental emergency.