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  • Have white spots at the back of your tongue?
  • Have a white dot on your tongue?
  • Do you have white patches on your mouth that you're not sure what's causing them?
  • Learn about the origins, symptoms, and treatment options for your white spot problem.

You may be experiencing discomfort on the inside of your mouth. Do you have painful white spots on the inside of your mouth? There are a variety of factors that contribute to these bothersome white patches. Although these white spots may disappear on their own if left untreated, they may be indicative of a more serious health problem that may require treatment by either your doctor or dental professional. Continue reading if you have observed any of the symptoms listed above and want to learn how to bring them under control.

Identifying the white areas in your mouth


Canker sores and cold sores are two types of sores.

Canker sores, also known as aphthous ulcers, are sometimes mistaken for cold sores, despite the fact that they are entirely distinct. Essentially, a canker sore is an ulcer that forms on the interior of the mouth. A cold sore is a viral illness that presents as a tiny fluid-filled blister on the exterior of the mouth, generally the lips. It is caused by the herpes simplex virus. A cold sore, in contrast to a canker sore, is caused by the herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) and can be readily disseminated if left untreated for a long period of time. A canker sore is more of an unpleasant inconvenience that can be ignored for a short period of time.

Canker sores are one of the most prevalent types of mouth sores that people experience. Although most people who have canker sores do so only occasionally, between 20 percent to 30 percent of those who do have canker sores endure repeated outbreaks. Occasionally, you may notice that a canker sore appears three or four times a year and lasts for around one week. Complex canker sores are bigger and more painful than simple canker sores, and they can continue for up to a month. IF YOU HAVE ANY CONCERNS IT IS WISE TO CALL YOUR SUMMERLIN DENTAL OFFICE!!

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Canker Sores Have a Variety of Causes

A canker sore can be caused by a variety of factors,

  1. hormonal fluctuations
  2. stress
  3. physical oral damage.
  4. caused by certain meals, such as citrus fruits.
  5. Vitamin shortages, such as those in vitamin B12, iron, folic acid, and zinc, might significantly exacerbate the condition in some cases.

Canker Sores Symptoms and Signs

Canker sores are little sores that develop on the soft tissues of the mouth and gums. They are round or oval in shape, with red rims and a white or somewhat yellow center, depending on the variety. You may experience a burning or tingling feeling prior to the commencement of the condition. Another symptom is a stinging discomfort, which is particularly noticeable when you speak or eat.

Canker Sores: What to Do If You Have Them

Using salt water or a baking soda and water mixture to rinse your mouth will aid in the treatment of canker sores. Alternatively, a tiny quantity of milk of magnesia can be applied straight to the wound. It is possible to repeat one of these approaches numerous times every day.

If your symptoms continue more than two weeks, worsen when you use home treatments, recur more than once a year, or are severe, you should schedule an appointment with your Summerlin Dental office dentist. It is important to get medical assistance if you have canker sores along with other symptoms such as a headache, fever, diarrhea, or a skin rash. Symptomatic relief, inflammation reduction, and prevention of secondary consequences, such as bacterial infection, are the goals of canker sore treatment at your Summerlin Dental Office. The fact that you have ulcers now does not ensure that you will not acquire them in the future.

A steroid mouth rinse, anesthetics, or antibiotics to minimize inflammatory irritation may be administered to treat the infection and relieve pain, depending on the severity.


Canker Sores Treatment and Prevention

Canker sores, in general, are difficult to foresee and to avoid developing. Fortunately, once they've appeared, there are steps that can be taken to prevent the situation from getting worse. Try to keep your canker sores from coming into touch with anything. Make sure you don't constantly brush them with your tongue and be cautious when you clean your teeth. Foods and beverages that are spicy, fiery, or acidic should be avoided. Also, avoid eating foods with sharp edges, such as chips.

Cold sores are a type of sore.


The condition of leukoplakia should be addressed carefully. While the vast majority of leukoplakia cases are noncancerous, there are some that are precancerous in nature.

The causes of leukoplakia are as follows:

  1. Chewing tobacco and smoking for an extended period of time
  2. Poorly fitted dentures,
  3. HIV or AIDS
  4. sun exposure to the lips has been implicated as potential causes of leukoplakia in the past.
  5. In rare instances, oral cancer and leukoplakia might be linked together as well.

Manifestations of Leukoplakia

The most common symptom of leukoplakia is the presence of thick, white spots in your mouth that are difficult to remove. These patches can be flat or irregularly shaped, and they tend to harden and thicken with time. If the condition is severe, you may suffer slight discomfort when swallowing food. It is possible to develop red lesions (erythroplakia). Red lesions on the leukoplakia are more likely to be malignant or precancerous than white lesions.

Treatments for Leukoplakia are available.

Anyone who has been diagnosed with leukoplakia should discontinue using tobacco products soon after receiving the diagnosis. Depending on whether your leukoplakia is caused by ill-fitting dentures, a rough tooth, or an uneven filling surface, a dentist may be able to correct the problem for you easily. If your leukoplakia is caused by a compromised immune system, you may be offered antiviral drugs or topical therapies to help alleviate the symptoms of your condition.

It is critical that your Summerlin dentist or doctor do a biopsy on your leukoplakia in order to rule out the possibility of malignancy. It will be removed by oral surgery if it is deemed necessary.

Preventing Leukoplakia is important.

Once you have experienced leukoplakia, it is possible that it may recur. We recommend that you schedule a follow-up consultation with your physician and dentist.

One of the most effective strategies to avoid leukoplakia is to stop using tobacco and smoking altogether. Practicing basic dental hygiene can go a long way toward preventing leukoplakia from developing. Another suggestion is to limit your intake of alcoholic beverages and consume foods that are high in antioxidants.

Oral lichen planus is a kind of lichen that grows on the tongue.

Oral lichen planus is an autoimmune illness that manifests itself as inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. However, although lichen planus can affect any mucosa lining, such as the esophagus or vaginal mucosa, it is more usually found in the oral cavity. Oral lichen plus affects just 2% of the population (with the majority of cases occurring in elderly women).

Oral lichen planus is caused by a variety of factors.

Some specialists believe that genetics and immunology may have a role in the development of the disease. Others feel that lichen planus is an autoimmune illness or a cell-mediated immune response, rather than a skin condition. There has been evidence of a link between oral lichen planus and the use of beta-blockers and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines in the past.

Oral lichen planus is characterized by a number of symptoms

Oral lichen planus is characterized by the formation of white, lacy patches. Additionally, searing discomfort, bleeding gums while eating or cleaning teeth, redness, and open sores are also common signs of this condition. A sensitivity to acidic or spicy foods is another possibility.

Treatments for lichen planus of the mouth

Although there is currently no treatment for oral lichen planus, the symptoms can be controlled with medication. In order to minimize inflammation, a dentist or doctor may give topical, oral, or injectable corticosteroid medications. In addition, numbing gels may be provided to assist alleviate any discomfort.

Aside from that, certain individuals may be prescribed drugs to suppress or regulate their immune systems. Keep in mind that oral lichen planus might increase your risk of secondary infections, nutritional deficits, and mouth cancer, among other complications. For people who suffer from oral lichen planus, it is extremely important to undergo frequent examinations.


Preventing oral lichen planus is important.

Although oral lichen planus cannot be completely avoided, you may reduce your chances of acquiring it by eating a nutritious diet that is high in fruits and vegetables and by reducing your intake of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.

Oral Thrush is a yeast infection that affects the mouth.

Everyone has a little bit of candida fungus in their lips, digestive systems, and skin, and it is not harmful. Other bacteria and microorganisms are responsible for keeping these at healthy levels. However, if the balance is thrown off, you might get oral thrush, which is caused by the fungus Candida overgrowing in your mouth.

Oral Thrush Is Caused By a Number of Factors

There are a variety of factors that might contribute to oral thrush (a candida overgrowth), including drugs such as antibiotics, birth control pills, and corticosteroids. If you have cancer, uncontrolled diabetes, HIV infection, dry mouth, or are pregnant, you are more likely to get oral thrush than the average person.

Cigarette smoking, using dentures that aren't correctly fitted, nursing an infected infant or having poor dental hygiene can all contribute to candida overgrowth.

Oral Thrush Signs and Symptoms

A white sore on the tongue that is slightly elevated and has a cottage cheese look is indicative of oral thrush.

Typically, the sores form on the tongue or inside of the cheeks, but they can also appear on the gums, tonsils, roof of the mouth, or back of the throat in rare instances.

If you have oral thrush, you may have a cotton-like sensation in your mouth. When it comes to the corners of your mouth, it can lead to irritation, soreness, loss of taste, redness, and cracking or bleeding. If you detect any of these symptoms, make an appointment with your Summerlin Dental dentist or family doctor right away.

Treatments for Thrush in the Mouth

Gargling with salt water, stopping or reducing cigarette use, restricting sugar intake, and using an antibiotic mouthwash are all remedies that can help you combat oral thrush and keep it away. A prescription for antifungal medicine may also be issued by your dentist or doctor.

Oral thrush may be an indication of another medical condition; thus, your dentist may urge that you consult with a doctor about any underlying health concerns that may be present.

Preventing Thrush in the Mouth

The most effective method of preventing oral thrush is through good oral hygiene. You should be seeing your Summerlin Dental Solutions dentist at least every 6 months

If you have dentures, make sure to clean them every day as well as visit the dentist on a regular basis to keep your teeth in good condition. If you take a corticosteroid inhaler, make sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly after using the drug. Yeast infections in the vaginal area should be treated as soon as possible. Maintain stable blood sugar levels if you have diabetes and limit your sugar intake if you do not have diabetes.

Are you concerned about white patches?

Do you want to know what is causing the white patches on your tongue and in your mouth once and for all? Summerlin Dental Solutions can help you identify at your issues and find a solution.




Dr. Marianne Cohan was voted The Best Dentist/ Dental Office and Best Cosmetic Dentist from The Las Vegas Review-Journal in 2020 and 2021. She received her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1992.

With an emphasis on cosmetic dentistry, complete makeovers, and implant dentistry, Dr. Cohan is committed to continuing education and feels that we never stop learning.  Dr. Cohan takes pride in using high-powered magnification to perform minimally invasive restorative dentistry. She uses all the latest technological advances including digital radiography, digital photography, computer simulations, and high-resolution pictures of your proposed treatment on 55-inch screens.  She also utilizes CBCT (cone beam) and laser technology.

Dr. Cohan is always available to her patients and is available for any dental emergency.