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How to Prevent Stains and Clean Teeth: Wine, Coffee, and Tea Stains

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How to Prevent Stains and Clean Teeth: Wine, Coffee, and Tea Stains



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Does coffee stain your teeth?

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Most of us have the fantasy that our discolored teeth will, suddenly, become whiter/ clean teeth. If you've ever caught yourself examining your smile and wishing your teeth were whiter, pearly white rather than, well, any other color, know that you're not the only one to have had that thought.

  • Eighty percent of adults in the United States between the ages of 18 and 49 desire that their teeth were whiter. According to the findings of the same poll, the percentages are as high as 85 percent for women.

We are going to go over some of the most common reasons for stained teeth as well as ways to prevent it. In order to assist you at your Summerlin Dental office in your quest for a whiter smile, we will also provide you with some advice on how to treat teeth that have been discolored.


There are three primary categories of tooth stains

  1. Extrinsic stains

are those that are seen on the surface and are relatively easy to remove. They are frequently brought on by consuming specific foods and beverages, engaging in tobacco usage, and, on occasion, just not practicing good dental hygiene. The unfavorable piece of information is that extrinsic stains are rather prevalent. What's the upbeat report? These stains on the enamel are easier to treat at your Summerlin Dental office than the other two basic types of tooth stains, which are called intrinsic and extrinsic stains.

  1. Intrinsic Stains

The removal process for stains of this nature is more complicated. Unlike extrinsic stains, which are just superficially established in the enamel of the teeth, intrinsic stains penetrate the dentin layer deeper. Are you perplexed as to why using that whitening toothpaste did not improve the appearance of your discolored teeth? It's possible that you have intrinsic tooth stains, which can be brought on by things like trauma, having a root canal done, or fluorosis. In order to remove these stains, you'll need to employ more complex treatments.

  1. Age-Related Stains

Teeth discoloration is something that can't be completely avoided throughout the course of a lifetime. This occurs because of the natural yellowing of dentin over time. As one of the world's leading manufacturers of toothpaste, Crest, points out, enamel also thins with age, causing yellow dentin to become more visible. This does not always mean that elderly people are destined to have yellow teeth, but they are virtually definitely at a greater risk for developing this condition.

It is important to keep in mind that it is quite unusual to have only one form of staining on one's teeth since the many types of stains can act together and compound one another. At Summerlin Dental Solutions we can help you solve your concerns.

How Discoloration of the Teeth Occurs

There are several different things that might cause discoloration of the teeth. The following are some of the most prevalent factors that may cause your smile to lose some of its luster.

Several Distinct Foods

The contents of an entire refrigerator can leave stains on teeth. The following are ten of the most frequent offenses:

Citrus fruits




Soy sauce






It is not necessary to abstain from all of the foods listed above in order to maintain white teeth. However, while learning how to prevent recurring stains, it might be good to bear in mind the different kinds of foods that can leave stains behind.



The enamel on your teeth may be damaged just as easily by liquids, and they can also discolor your teeth. The following are some examples of beverages that may cause discoloration of teeth:

  1. juices extracted from any of the aforementioned foods
  2. Soda (which contain dyes and acids that can stain teeth
  3. Espresso (which has tannins that can cause discoloration)
  4. Tea (containing tannins that discolor teeth at a greater rate than coffee) (with tannins that discolor teeth at a higher rate than coffee)
  5. Alcohol (people experiencing alcohol use disorder tend to have higher plaque levels and are 3x more likely to experience tooth loss)
  6. Wine (which also has tannins and, as Vox noted, can stain teeth hereditarily)

In the same vein as the meals listed above, none of these beverages need to be avoided in order to keep one's teeth healthy. The use of moderation is essential, as are some of the other tactics that will be covered in the next part of this essay.

Products Related to Smoking (Not Just Cigarettes)

Tobacco is one of the few substances that may discolor teeth, but it's not only cigarettes that you need to watch out for. Even smokeless tobacco and electronic cigarettes may leave stains, as can regular cigarettes.

The primary reason why tobacco, in all of its many forms, is notorious for discoloring teeth may be attributed to scientific research. Nicotine acquires a yellow color after being exposed to air. In addition, nicotine and tar from cigarettes can enter the tooth through its natural pores. Even the technique of inhaling used by a smoker may have an effect on their teeth, as one website for dental care notes: "Often, smokers will have specific teeth that get darker than others owing to their manner of breathing."

Brown stains on the back of teeth or brown stains on teeth near the gums can be a sign that tobacco is beginning to wreak havoc on the mouth, and it is time to take action to prevent more damage from occurring as a result of this habit.

Poor Dental Hygiene

If you ignore the advice of your Summerlin Dental dentist, you are almost certainly contributing to the discoloration of your teeth more. Keeping your mouth clean and protecting your teeth from discoloration requires a multi-pronged approach that includes brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash. If you omit any of these processes, you may find that stains appear more rapidly.

It is important that one goes to your Summerlin Dental office on a regular basis in order to avoid these issues. If you see the dentist for cleanings on a regular basis, not only will you be able to remove inherent stains, but you will also be able to avoid problems that might stain your teeth in the future.

Do you feel inspired right now? The good news is that although stains develop on the surface of the tooth, they may be eliminated if the habits of brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash are improved. If you choose to continue missing flossing, keep in mind that when stains reach the intrinsic dentin level, they are much more difficult to remove. If you opt to continue skipping flossing, keep in mind that.



A blow to the face, such as from a fall, can induce yellowing or browning of the teeth in youngsters, whereas a blow to the face can cause graying or blackening of the teeth in adults.

In most cases, only the primary (baby) teeth are damaged by dental trauma in children, while the permanent, adult teeth emerge completely healthy over time. To have a smile that is completely white once more, playing the waiting game is typically all that is required, along with the assistance of a pediatric dentist, of course.

Unlucky Genes

There is a genetic component to tooth discoloration; bleach your teeth.

Some people just have bad luck when it comes to their teeth being discolored. You might be surprised to learn how many people have a genetic predisposition for having discolored teeth.

"Dentinogenesis imperfecta and amelogenesis imperfecta are two inherited disorders that cause the teeth to develop improperly and could lead to discoloration," a dental director from Massachusetts said to Live Science. "Dentinogenesis imperfecta and amelogenesis imperfecta are two inherited disorders that cause people to have discolored teeth," the dental director added.

Maladies, Pregnancy, and a Lack of Vitamins and Minerals

Cancer treatment, including chemotherapy, has been shown to change the color of a patient's teeth. According to WebMD, pregnant women are more likely to contract infections, which can have a negative impact on the development of their children's enamel. Tooth discoloration brought on by a vitamin shortage is another symptom of vitamin insufficiency that should be watched for.


As a result of the frequency with which this issue arises, the National Institutes of Health published a paper in 2014 "to give an overview of the various medications that can be linked to tooth discoloration and to suggest the precautionary measures that can be taken to avoid or minimize it." This paper was written "to give an overview of the various medications that can be linked to tooth discoloration and to suggest the precautionary measures that can be taken to avoid or minimize it."

Antibiotics, antihistamines, and antipsychotics are some examples of medications that can have an effect on a person's teeth, as stated by WebMD.


Even if a person practices excellent dental hygiene throughout their life, their teeth may get increasingly yellow as they become older.

According to a study that was conducted and published by Harvard University in 2010, it was found that around 75% of persons over the age of 65 still retained some or all of their natural teeth. However, because of this, this population had a significantly increased risk of suffering from a number of oral conditions, such as tooth decay and discoloration of the teeth.


Fluoride, which is sometimes a contentious topic, technically has been documented to induce staining, but not the same type of staining that is caused by beverages or medications.

According to a report from NBC News in 2018, almost 75 percent of the population in the United States had fluoride added to their communal water supply. According to what is said in the article, there are very few adverse effects caused by the addition of fluoride to water, notwithstanding the current criticism: "In this nation, fluorosis of the teeth is the sole prevalent negative effect of fluoridation. It is a tiny discoloration that is typically only noticeable to a dentist."

At-Home Methods for the Treatment of and the Prevention of Stained Teeth

bleaching discolored stains out of teeth

Do you currently have teeth that have a stain on them? Have no fear. Even the most stubborn stains on your teeth won't stand a chance against the treatments at your Summerlin Dental office that are explained in the following paragraphs. But first, a few pointers that will hopefully keep your teeth from ever being discolored in the first place.


There are 8 different ways to avoid getting coffee and tea stains.

Both coffee and tea have the potential to cause tooth staining (in fact, tea can surprisingly stain teeth at a higher rate than coffee). On the other hand, putting up a fight and regaining that gleaming white smile at your Summerlin Dental office isn't quite as difficult as you would think.

  1. Wait before you brush

Acidic foods include coffee in particular. According to the information presented in this article: "Brushing your teeth shortly after eating or drinking anything acidic weakens tooth enamel and promotes discoloration." [Citation needed]

  1. Consume strawberries or lemons

the natural fibers in these fruits can help eliminate microorganisms from food and drink, including those found in coffee and tea.

  1. Take sips with a straw or a takeout container lid

This will "decrease some of the acid that is generated in your mouth" if you do it.

  1. Alternate the liquids you drink with water

this will not only help quench your thirst but will also help clean your mouth.

  1. Drink water rapidly

Swallowing water or drinking water quickly can help remove the tannins and residue that are left in the mouth from drinking coffee or tea.

  1. Casein, which is present in milk

has been proven to help reduce discoloration of teeth, according to a study conducted by the School of Dentistry at the University of Alberta.

  1. Chew sugar-free gum

However, according to this dentist, you should be sure to buy gums that have the approval stamp of the American Dental Association.

  1. Caffeine intake should be limited

researchers and experts on the subject generally agree that people should drink no more than a couple cups of coffee each day. One of the advantages is having healthier teeth.

Cheeses like asiago and cheddar "cover your teeth with calcium, making it difficult for the tannins to stay," according to an article that was published in Woman's Day. The article outlined six different methods to prevent red wine from staining teeth.

Additionally, it was mentioned in the same article that the petroleum included in lip gloss can function as a natural barrier to prevent tannins from adhering to teeth.


  1. Banana peels have a bleaching effect (No, Seriously)

After just three weeks of using this method, a professional has proved that rubbing the interior of banana peels on teeth for two minutes every day can result in brighter teeth.

However, there is a catch: "If you touch the skin it can work as a light exfoliant and can remove some surface stains, but the banana will not penetrate within the pores on the surface of your enamel; hence, there will not be any genuine 'deep' cleaning that takes place."

Clean and Reduce the Impact of Nicotine Marks on Your Teeth

Even while there are a range of home cures that may help keep teeth appearing their whitest, such as cleaning them after smoking, it is possible that nicotine stains will require the assistance of dental specialists.

Whitening performed by professionals

Extrinsic stains, often known as "surface-level" stains, are typically the most amenable to straightforward, over-the-counter treatments for tooth discoloration. According to Medical News Today, there are a variety of techniques that may be used to whiten teeth. These techniques include brushing with a solution made of baking soda and water, rinsing with a solution made of diluted hydrogen peroxide, and using whitening mouthwashes or toothpaste.

On the other hand, intrinsic stains that go deeper into the tooth typically require the assistance of your Summerlin Dental office dental specialists.

If you want your teeth to be whiter, we at Summerlin Dental Solutions can assist you

Your teeth can appear their whitest if you visit the dentist on a regular basis, and these visits can also prevent future stains.


Dr. Marianne Cohan was voted The Best Dentist/ Dental Office and Best Cosmetic Dentist from The Las Vegas Review-Journal in 2020 and 2021. She received her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1992.

With an emphasis on cosmetic dentistry, complete makeovers, and implant dentistry, Dr. Cohan is committed to continuing education and feels that we never stop learning. Dr. Cohan takes pride in using high-powered magnification to perform minimally invasive restorative dentistry. She uses all the latest technological advances including digital radiography, digital photography, computer simulations, and high-resolution pictures of your proposed treatment on 55-inch screens. She also utilizes CBCT (cone beam) and laser technology.

Dr. Cohan is always available to her patients and is available for any dental emergency.