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Receding gums: Causes, symptoms, & treatment


Receding gums: Causes, symptoms, & treatment


Causes, symptoms, and treatment options for receding gums.

To begin, a condition known as receding gums is extremely frequent. There are several causes of receding gums, including improper oral hygiene, hereditary factors, and oftentimes simply plain old age. Because so few people are aware of how to treat them, many people choose to ignore their symptoms rather than seek appropriate medical attention. And sadly, as time passes, this tooth condition will grow much more severe, which may have an effect on your oral health.

What exactly is meant by "receding gums"?

A condition known as receding gums, also known as gingival recession, occurs when the gum tissue that normally surrounds and attaches to your teeth begins to recede or wear away. When this takes place, the roots of your teeth may become visible, gaps may begin to appear, and bacteria and plaque may begin to accumulate on your teeth. Worse yet, if you don't address it, the bone structure of your teeth and the tissue around them grow more vulnerable to injury. If the condition is serious enough, you could even end up losing a tooth.

What are the signs and symptoms of gum recession?

It takes the majority of people a significant amount of time to recognize the symptoms of gum disease and gum recession. Frequently, they are unaware of the problem until their teeth become excessively sensitive to sweet foods, acidic meals, and liquids of varying temperatures. The more your gums recede or shrink, the more obvious the condition becomes, and the more severe your symptoms are likely to become.

It is crucial to seek treatment as soon as you discover the first hint that something is wrong with your dental health in order to keep your dental health under control. If you are familiar with the symptoms of gum recession, you may be able to detect the problem at an earlier stage. The following is a list of typical warning indicators that you should keep an eye out for:

Roots that are exposed; long teeth; gums that are red or inflamed (gingivitis); painful gums; soreness; tooth sensitivity; bad breath; pus between the gums and teeth; bleeding; exposed roots.

If you keep a close eye on your teeth on a regular basis, you should be able to spot any changes that occur. When cleaning your teeth or eating tough meals is generally the time when bleeding and pain are most visible.

Why do gums pull away from the teeth?


There are a variety of potential causes of gum recession. You will be able to determine your level of danger if you are aware of them. The following are some of the most frequently seen causes:

  • Periodontal disease (periodontitis);
  • Harsh brushing;
  • Poor oral hygiene;
  • Crooked teeth;
  •  Misaligned bite;
  • Hormone fluctuations;
  • Genetics;
  • Aging.

There is a strong genetic component to gum recession. Despite the best efforts of 30% of the world's population, people still have a genetic predisposition to develop gum disease, regardless of how well they care for their teeth. In circumstances such as these, the gums and tissues are frequently susceptible to inflammation; this is the primary factor contributing to the recession of the gums. Find a dentist to discuss your dental health with if you think you could be at risk for this issue and want more information about it.

Periodontal disease

According to research, periodontal diseases, often known as gum disorders, impact anywhere from 20 percent to 50 percent of the population worldwide. This condition is an infection of the gums that gradually eats away at the gum tissues. If treatment is not sought, it can have an effect on the bone that is responsible for supporting the teeth and cause the roots to lose their hold. This is one of the key reasons why the gum line is pulling away from the teeth.

An aggressive brushing

We always recommend that you floss and brush your teeth, but if you do either of those things too vigorously, it can be harmful to your gum health and lead to receding gums. When you brush your teeth too roughly, you run the danger of causing damage to the enamel, which is the outermost covering of the teeth. The enamel will begin to wear away over time, which may also result in a receding gum line if left untreated.

Poor oral hygiene

Plaque and tartar are likely to continually form on your teeth if you do not properly care for them by brushing and flossing them on a routine basis and using an antibacterial mouthwash. In addition to this, the mucus, food particles, and germs that are stuck in your tonsils make it more likely that you may develop tonsil stones. These stones have the potential to cause significant discomfort as well as edema.

Shifts in hormone levels

The teeth may be more prone to gum recession as a result of changes in hormone levels, such as those that occur during pregnancy, menopause, or puberty.

Getting diagnosed

A diagnosis of receding gums may only be made by a dentist. You will need to see a doctor to undergo a full physical checkup, which can help identify any underlying dental problems. In addition to this, the dentist might use a probe, which is essentially a little ruler, to determine the depth of each gum pocket. It is generally agreed upon by specialists that healthy gums should have a pocket size of between 1 and 3 millimeters. A space that is any larger than that is unquestionably an indication of gum recession.

How are gums that have receded been treated?

There are many different treatment options available for treating receding gums, and the one that is best for you will be determined by the status of your oral health. In many cases, gum recession can be easily managed by just maintaining regular dental cleanings. On other occasions, you might require surgical intervention.

The following is a list of the common treatments that you can anticipate receiving:

  • Professional teeth cleaning
  • Thorough cleaning
  • Antibiotics, Medications, Surgery

Your dentist will clean the regions that are impacted by gum recession if it is only minor and you are experiencing it. Plaque and tartar will be removed in a methodical manner throughout this treatment in order to facilitate gum tissue regeneration. In any case, it is recommended that you visit the dentist every six months. This strategy for preventing future problems will help to reduce the likelihood of their occurrence.

A deep cleaning, which is also known as root planing and scaling, is a procedure that does not involve surgery. At this point, your dentist will provide a local anesthetic before scraping away all of the plaque and tartar that has accumulated on your teeth. You will be able to rid your gums of that troublesome bacteria and get everything back on track with the help of this process.

Antibiotics may be prescribed to you following the surgery in the event that there are any bacteria that have not been eradicated despite the treatment. Additional medicine, such as antiseptic chips, enzyme suppressants, or topical antibiotic gels, may be prescribed by a periodontist for patients undergoing a more intensive course of treatment.

However, if the gum recession is severe (characterized by exceedingly deep pockets and bone loss), surgical correction will be necessary. That indicates that your bones or gum tissues require resuscitation, and the only way that may be accomplished is through a surgical surgery.

The goal of gum surgery is to restore any damaged areas that may have contributed to the receding gum line. This can be accomplished by grafting healthy gum tissue onto the exposed bone. By performing surgery, dentists are able to access parts of the bone that are typically difficult to get and remove bacteria that could be damaging to the patient. You will have a lower chance of having severe dental problems as a result of this. Also, keep in mind that the longer you wait to get treatment, the more severe the recession of your gums will become. Therefore, as soon as you become aware that your gums are receding, schedule an appointment with your dentist.

How to help prevent gums from pulling away from the teeth

In many cases, receding gums can be avoided entirely or at least significantly slowed down. By maintaining good dental hygiene, quitting smoking, using a toothbrush with gentle strokes and soft bristles, and utilizing a toothbrush that fits these criteria, you can lessen the likelihood of gum recession occurring.

Another important step is to visit Summerlin Dental Solutions on a consistent basis, which is especially important if your teeth are prone to the accumulation of plaque and tartar.

Is there a natural remedy for gum recession?


Consider the foods you eat and any other potentially unhealthy routines or habits you may have. According to the available data, smoking is one of the most important factors that contributes to the development of periodontal disease and gum recession. It leads to considerable tooth loss, an increase in the number of pocket depths, and it has an effect on the bones.

According to the findings of several pieces of study, nutrition also plays an important part in maintaining healthy gums. The production of healthy bone, an increase in periodontal regeneration, and the maintenance of your general oral health are all supported by a diet that is nutritionally sound.

But let's talk about carbs; if you consume an excessive amount of them, some of the food that you eat will become lodged in your oral cavity. If the plaque is allowed to remain in place for a few days, it will mineralize, resulting in calculus being formed. Plaque formation is also exacerbated by a diet that is consistently high in sugar and starchy carbohydrates.

Your diet has a significant impact on how prone you are to gum disease, receding gums, and cavities in your teeth. If you follow a healthy diet, you will ensure that your body receives an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals, both of which are important for maintaining healthy gums.

Therefore, if you want to learn how to stop gum recession naturally, you should strive to keep a balanced diet that is high in vegetables. And stop smoking.

What is the most effective toothpaste for gum recession, and where can I buy it?

The most effective toothpastes for gum recession are those that are formulated specifically for sensitive teeth and the prevention of cavities. You should look for an anti-cavity toothpaste that may reduce inflammation, prevent bleeding gums, reinforce the enamel, and thoroughly clean the pockets in your teeth. There are products available that can be helpful, such as Parodontax Complete Protection and Colgate Sensitive.

Can gums that have receded grow back?

No, gums that have receded cannot grow back. This condition cannot be reversed. Nevertheless, by receiving treatment, you will be able to arrest the worsening of the condition. In this way, you can prevent yourself from developing more severe dental difficulties.

Where can I locate a dentist who specializes in treating gum recession in Summerlin?

Make an appointment at Summerlin Dental Solutions that is known for their excellence in your area. It is important to keep in mind that the sooner you begin treatment, the better the results will be.

Regular dental checkups will do a lot of good for your teeth, especially if you are struggling with minor gum recession; therefore, you should invest in dental cleaning as frequently as possible. You won't have the pearly whites and pink gums you've always dreamed of overnight, but you will get there in the end.



Dr. Marianne Cohan was voted The Best Dentist/ Dental Office and Best Cosmetic Dentist from The Las Vegas Review-Journal in 2020 and 2021. She received her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1992.

summerlin dental solutions

With an emphasis on cosmetic dentistry, complete makeovers, and implant dentistry, Dr. Cohan is committed to continuing education and feels that we never stop learning.  Dr. Cohan takes pride in using high-powered magnification to perform minimally invasive restorative dentistry. She uses all the latest technological advances including digital radiography, digital photography, computer simulations, and high-resolution pictures of your proposed treatment on 55-inch screens.  She also utilizes CBCT (cone beam) and laser technology.

Dr. Cohan is always available to her patients and is available for any dental emergency.